Mobile access to locks, booking and payment

It started with implementing a digital booking system for the laundry rooms, but during the process we also realized the potential of the front doors!

  • Jan Olov Lundström
  • BRF Skutan
Trevåningshus i rött tegel, tillhörande BRF Skutan som köpt in en lösning för mobil access från FlexAccess.


Stadsgata med kontorshus men märkligt få människor.

Mobile access at home and at work

If you need to grant temporary access to a visitor, you no longer need to lend or copy keys. Instead, you can easily grant access via FlexyKey. FlexyKey gives you complete control over who has opened the doors, where and when. In addition, FlexyKey allows you to monitor water consumption and indoor temperature.

In workplaces or larger facilities, there are even more advantages to using a digital access control system. You can allow visitors, craftsmen or temporary employees to unlock themselves. What's more, you can easily book spaces and access them at the right time. Easy payment for bookings and services, which your customers can manage themselves via their phones, creates a smooth and efficient process.

Welcome to FlexAccess!