BRF Skutan in Sundsvall

The Skutan housing association in Sundsvall has had digital locking systems from FlexAccess since 2015. With many homes and also several other types of premises, they benefit greatly from digital bookings and keyless locks.
The association has 132 apartments in seven buildings. The doors of the fourteen entrances, the large garage and the waste sorting area are all equipped with digital locks equipped with FlexyKey from FlexAccess, and residents can easily open all doors without keys - all they need is a tag (key fob) or code. The same applies to the association's five laundry rooms, which are not only unlocked but also, with the help of the FlexyBooking book digitally, either at the touch screen located at each laundry, or from the comfort of your home via the web or an app.
All residents have a tag, and it can be loaded with the right permissions: front door and garbage room for everyone, garage for those who have space, and laundry room when booked.
What were they looking for, what problem did they want to solve?
"It started with a digital booking system for the laundry rooms," says Jan Olov Lundström, a member of the association's board. "But when we started to get to grips with it all, we saw the possibility of the front doors. After a while we added the garage doors, and most recently the doors to the waste sorting system. And with FlexyKey's upcoming update, it will be even more secure."
How did planning and installation go?
Jan Olov Lundström says that the association found FlexAccess themselves when they were looking for someone who could provide the association with the booking system for the laundry rooms. "It was affordable and met our needs." The installation was very simple: FlexAccess hired a locksmith to come and do the physical installation, and then they came themselves to program, configure and start up the system. For the association it was very easy as they only had one order to handle - FlexAccess managed the whole process.
Satisfied with FlexAccess service
The system may have had some teething problems, but in principle it has worked well. There have been times when a touch screen has been messed up, but then FlexAccess came and replaced it. For most customers, it is also FlexAccess that adds and updates permissions in the system, but at Brf Skutan, Jan Olov himself does it. "I thought it was better that I do it, sitting here."

What do residents think? What have been the major benefits?
It is of course a little unfamiliar at first with keyless locks, but the residents of Brf Skutan quickly got used to using the tags. And the tag itself makes a few small steps in everyday life a little easier: Just blipping it is a little faster than unlocking with a key, and being able to use the same tag for all different locks makes the keychain easier.
It has become easier to get in and out, and especially to book appointments, so everyone is happy.
Safe and flexible
But security has also been improved. There is now no need for entrance door keys that can be copied, stolen or lost. And tags that go missing can be easily removed from the system and lose their permissions - provided the loser tells the association.
But you don't have to have the tag to get in, says Jan Olov: "We can always ring the laundry and front doors." I FlexyCombination the administrator can easily add phone numbers that can unlock doors with a call or text message directly into the system, and you can easily choose exactly which doors and at what times. "Calling the front door can be an emergency solution if you don't have your tag handy or need to open for guests."
And this flexibility becomes even more apparent when there are many different types of premises and types of residents or visitors. For a while, the association rented out a room to a masseur, who could then give his visitors a code - which of course only went to that particular door, and only worked during the day. The association has also handed out temporary codes when they have had craftsmen working in the buildings.
The future
Brf Skutan has thus benefited greatly from its various solutions from FlexAccess. But there are actually even more applications, because as Jan Olov says: "We feel that we just have to keep building." The association has a sauna that residents will soon be able to book in the same way they book the laundry rooms instead of signing up on a piece of paper. But those who live in three nearby housing associations will also have access to it in the same way. Each association will pay a smaller fee to Skutan, and thanks to FlexyBooking's logs, it is easy to keep track and invoice correctly.
Want to know more?
If you think your association or company would benefit from the security and simplicity of digital locking, booking and payment systems, we'd be happy to tell you more. Contact us and tell us a bit about your business or premises and we will find the perfect system for you.